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inspiring human learning


Equine Assisted Learning (EAL) is an experiential therapeutic approach that creates space for interactions between humans and horses to facilitate personal growth, life skills development and emotional healing. EAL creates opportunities to develop self-confidence, communication skills, awareness of boundaries, self-care, problem-solving, decision making, leadership and teamwork skills, all within a trauma-informed framework.


Ground-based  EAL takes place on the ground (there is no riding) and emphasises the non-verbal relationship between horse and human. Participants are encouraged to closely observe and interact with the horse, in order to understand and challenge their own assumptions and habits.


Individualised approach  EAL sessions are facilitated by a trauma informed coaching and equine specialist and designed, with the client, in a collaborative, individualised process. It is important to note that although working in this way with the horses may have many therapeutic outcomes,  EAL is not therapy, which is typically led by a licensed mental health professional.


Opportunities for growth  Equine Assisted Learning can improve self-awareness and help us become congruent in mind and body, as well as shedding light on our unconscious feelings and behaviours. To learn more about the benefits of EAL have a look at our Services page.


Horses are a social herd animal who evolved to rely on non-verbal communication for their survival. As a result they have fine-tuned the ability to read the behaviours and body-language of those around them.


To successfully communicate with the horse requires the participant to be both calm and present.

By learning how to influence the horses emotional state by staying calm themselves participants can begin to understand how they might better manage relationships in their day to day lives.


“The nature of a horse as a prey animal and the skills required to successfully interact and learn with a prey animal may be the characteristic which helps humans to control their behaviour (Hemmingway, 2019).





Give yourself the opportunity to reconnect to your inner knowing guided by an equine partner


An EAL session usually takes place in an outside space (arena, paddock, or stable yard).

The team is made up of the Horse, the Participant and the Equine Assisted Learning Facilitator.

The overall intent of an EAL session is to create opportunities whereby participants, through direct experience with the horse, learn about themselves, internalise this awareness within the sessions and generalise it to other life situations.


Spending time outside immersed in nature working with these powerful creatures has many therapeutic benefits which is documented by a growing evidence base.


Melanie facilitates EAL sessions at the Better Together Therapeutic Riding Centre in Lilliput, near Mullingar in Co. Westmeath. A typical EAL session takes between 45mins to 1 hour from first introductions through to completion and can be experienced as a once off or as a more in-depth program over a number of weeks.  It is common for people to book a number of sessions in succession to allow for fully exploring the topic at hand.

For additional information or to book an Equine Assisted Learning session please use the contact form below and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible! 






“EAL may not be therapy, but it is incredibly therapeutic. I tried talk therapy and while it helped me to become more aware of my feelings, helped me to understand why I felt the way I did and, what negatively influenced my thoughts and feelings, and how in theory I could break unhelpful thought patterns. Therapy stopped working for me there. Logically how I felt made sense but there was a disconnect between my brain and my heart. I could never understand how to bridge that disconnect. Expressing myself through the horses did that. Having the horses there to channel my feelings through was a less scary way of expressing vulnerability. Existing in the same space as them is just that, existing, mind and body. It wasn’t that I couldn’t bridge the disconnect between my brain and heart, I just needed a reminder that both of them can safely exist at the same time. Being with Cora and Auryn (the horses) was the perfect reminder..”  R. 23 yr old  female participant

"As a Child-Youth Project Worker at Offaly Domestic Violence, I work with numerous children who have experienced large amounts of trauma. In 2024 we were grateful to introduce Equine-Assisted Learning for the children of our service. Since starting we have seen so many improvements in the children of our service everyday life. The project has helped the children involved feel much better emotionally. This includes a general gain in emotional stability and resilience as well as a decrease in the symptoms of anxiety, sadness, and posttraumatic stress disorder. The children's social functioning has improved, and they are forming healthier relationships. Participating children have gained empowerment from the project as it fosters personal development and self-sufficiency. For the children to be able to create and accomplish goals, make decisions, and stand up for themselves, it is necessary to give them a sense of sense of agency, autonomy, and self-confidence.  Child / Youth Support Advocate for ODVSS (Offaly Domestic Violence Support Services).

“I went into the EAL session with no idea of what to expect and am amazed at how powerful it was. I had a loose intention of hoping it might be able to help me cope with the stress & overwhelm in my daily life as a self-employed Mum of four whose youngest son has autism, but I wasn't sure how a session with Melanie and a horse could do that. It did. I'm not used to being around horses but, not only did I feel safe and supported with Melanie & Cora (the horse) from beginning to end, I was also able to take away practical skills I can implement in stressful situations. I took away knowledge that I can ground myself in times of stress especially when my son is having meltdowns and that me looking after myself has a positive impact on the situation.”  Hannah (44)  Self-employed Mum of four.

 "I found that before I was constantly thinking about 10 different things instead of just being present, many of the things being critical “ I shouldn’t have done that, I wish I had’ve done this instead etc.” But since the session I have been so much more in the moment, any feeling much more confident because that critical voice isn’t going 100 miles per hour any more. I felt very in touch with Cora (the horse), she really helped me to be present and more confident, I felt very relaxed standing next to her”    J. Teenage girl (18). Referred to work on self-confidence.


Like a quick connection call with Melanie at Horse Knowing?  click below to book yourself a time. 

Melanie Downes


Co. Westmeath, Ireland​

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Thank you for getting in contact, we will be in touch as soon as possible and look forward to meeting you in person, Melanie

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