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inspiring human learning


Equine Assisted Learning sessions with horses tend to take place outside surrounded by a natural environment and research shows that this situating of the participant in nature has the potential to foster restoration from anxiety or stress.


In a world where many of us increasingly spend more and more time engaged in screen based activities indoors and often working in a constant deadline driven culture, we are beginning to recognise the importance of reconnecting with animals in nature.  

Horses healing humans


Are there young people in your care who struggle with any of the following?


  • Struggling with expressing and managing emotions

  • Overwhelmed with anxiety and finding certain social situations difficult

  • Having difficulty communicating emotional needs with parents and care givers

  • Challenged with bullying behaviour and establishing and maintaining boundaries


Do any of the following resonate with you?


  • Feeling under pressure navigating professional working demands and balancing work with personal life

  • Finding yourself at a cross-roads in your career or on your life path and not sure how best to move forward

  • Struggling to find restorative time in your weekly routine

  • Wondering how to explore what more life has to offer

Horses helping humans build connection


Self Development and finding your Way


Are you surviving or thriving or finding yourself at a crossroads, wondering where you are going with your life?. Have you given yourself the time lately to actually be with yourself and investigate what really fulfils you?

Working in partnership with a horse can help you work through these challenges life presents in a non-judgemental, supportive environment, with no expectations – just you and the horse working things out. 

The beauty of exploring these life questions with a horse is that the horse will always give you authentic feedback in any interaction you have with them, this provides a way of exploring how changes in your behaviour such as setting clearer boundaries or changing your emotional state impacts others.  Learning this in an experiential setting can help support you in being true to yourself and focusing your energy on fulfilling your own dreams.  

Self-care and living in the present

Do you work in the healthcare profession or have an additional caring role within your family which requires you to be 100% 'on' all the time ?  Do you to struggle to find restorative time for yourself?  
Spending time in nature experiencing being with the horses can be an active way of ‘filling your cup’ again. Horses, who are by nature always fully present, can support you in finding your space and re-establishing the connection with yourself, your needs, the things that often get side-lined in favour of taking care of others. Exploring your challenges through exercises with the horses can help you find answers within, to create a practice that sustains and supports you as you work to care for and heal others. 





Current research provides proof of the unique strengths of working with horses for experiential learning and potential opportunities for participant’s social and emotional learning.

Emotional Regulation and Resilience


Young people can learn to negotiate boundaries through interacting with the horses which presents scenarios for them to experience a range of emotions (such as frustration, fear or compassion).  EAL creates an environment where by working with horse and facilitator young people can learn emotional regulation in relationship with others.

Working with horses can provide enough appropriate challenges to stretch an young person’s emotional resilience – for example, completing tasks they are slightly afraid of (such as leading a large horse) which can lead to an important sense of achievement.

Social Awareness


There is a large body of research indicating social awareness / competence plays a critical role in later academic achievement, mental health and overall wellbeing.


Young people working through ground-based exercises with the horses, learn that clear communication of their intentions, and control of their body language and energy in an assertive yet non-aggressive manner, are vital for successful communication and partnership with the horse. This embodiment of the physical experience allows them to integrate the learning and helps them relate this back to their own lives.


In addition, working in close proximity to the horses helps young people become more aware of personal space and how they relate to other living beings which supports them to build meaningful relationships with others based on empathy and active listening.


Developing Trust


Young people experiencing a challenging time finding their place in their world (in family, school or amongst peer groups), when given the opportunity to work with horses in an EAL setting can gain a sense of acceptance which can contribute to feelings of greater self-worth.


Horses don’t care who you are, what you’ve done, or what you believe. They only care about how you behave with them. This enables them to give unconditional acceptance to a troubled teen who is revealing his or her true self. This acceptance creates a feeling a self-worth, which can often be hard to obtain with the typical rehabilitation methods of traditional psychotherapy and or prescription drugs. Tim Hayes: The Power of Horses to Heal – Riding Home


Working with horses through EAL provides the opportunity for developing a trusting relationship with a horse, which inspires young people “to transfer this new skill to their human relationships(Hayes, 2015).


One can stand alone in the dark 

  Two can make a light shine through 

                                                       Marvin Gaye


Like a quick connection call with Melanie at Horse Knowing?  click below to book yourself a time. 

Melanie Downes


Mullingar, Co. Westmeath, Ireland​

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Thank you for getting in contact, we will be in touch as soon as possible and look forward to meeting you in person, Melanie

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